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  • Hola, buenas dias y bievenido a mi blog ... and now in glorious, living English:\n\nThis is our trip: My wife and I are about to transplant ourselves from Oxford (city of dreaming spires) to a small seaside town in Castellon province called Alcossebre.\n\nThis will be a profound culture shock: two middle-aged, middle-class Brits moving from stifling respectability in bourgeois middle England to a freer, less constrained life amongst the Spanish.\n\nOur house in Oxford has been sold, and most of our belongings given to friends or sold on EBay. We intend to arrive in Spain with little Spanish and fewer possessions. It will be a scary, but liberating experience.\n\nWhy do we Brits long to live in Spain? It must be the sense of freedom from rules and restrictions. There is something mildly anarchic about the Spanish (or so it seems to us) - an unwillingness to follow the rules, a fatalistic acceptance of the way things are.\n\nWe Brits are too comfortable with the accepted norms; we will queue for anything; we are unfailingly polite: 'After you please' 'Thank you so much'; we are spied upon by our masters day and night, and we meekly accept things as they are.\n\nMaybe we will change you Spanish; after all there will soon be millions of us living amongst you, eating lunch at 12.30; dinner at 7.30, queuing up to buy the Sun and the Daily Mail from your kiosks, looking for Walls Sausages in your supermarkets.\n\nMore next week, que les vaya bien chavales!\n\n\n
  • 2007-06-07 08:36:24
is sioc:creator_of of
is opmo:effect of
  • (xsd:anyURI)


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